Saturday was a good day. I loved going to the baptism. Afterwards Cortney and I came home and worked on our talks. YUCK. We had scheduled a double date with some of our good frieds Tiffany and Todd Davis. I have been friends with Tiffany my whole life. She is my sister friend. Todd and Tiffany met because of me...I hooked up with Todds brother (of course a long long time ago...just to make that clear). We love them. Cortney and Todd have tons in common and tiff and I are like sisters. We both got baby sitters and went to Cafe' Rio. I was all set to get my order with no rice and a whole grain tortilla. We waited in line for almost an hour to order and when we got up there they didn't have my tortillas. I froze. I didn't know what to get. I almost broke down and started crying. I ordered what I had planned on ordering a steak quesidilla. It took me so long to decide what I was having I couldn't change it so I ate a white tortilla. I guess there are worse things I can have. It freaked me out. Luckily I had known I was going out for dinner so I hadn't eaten anything phase 2 the whole day. It was so yummy. I felt full for the first time in weeks. We afterwards went and rented the movie BANDIDAS. It had Salma Hyek and Penelope Cruz in it. Oh my I think it was THE WORST movie I have seen in years. It was almost unbelievable how bad it was. We had a great time though it was really fun to just be out and having fun.
Sunday started out really weird. I first have all have discovered poached eggs which I LOVE. I am obsessed with them right now. I had a couple for breakfast and then afterwards I had half a grapefruit with no sugar on it. It was so good. My first fruit. As we were getting ready for church, I was so dizzy. I felt so sick and couldn't stand up at all. I was so worried about my talk I was praying that I wouldn't pass out during it. I wore my flat shoes so I would be able to balance. I was dizzy all the way up to the pulpit. But I made it through with flying colors. Cortney and I are so glad that our talks are over with. I ate really good today. No cheating at all. My family is all here in town we had a family dinner. My brother makes THE BEST homemade sourdough pancakes you have ever tasted. I had a couple bites with fresh peaches on top. They were yummy. I don't know if it was worth eating something I shouldn't. But...I am still a skinny lady. I need to have some life. I wanted to do the diet for two weeks. I didn't cheat once. I didn't have a crumb or a lick of something I wasn't supposed to. Even if I got something on my finger from feeding my kids I wouldn't lick it off I would go wash my hands. Now I am going to try and eat healthier. I am going to try and have a protien and a veggie with every meal. More fruits and whole grain everything. I know I can't have a life without sugar so why try. I haven't really had any yet, I am going to go as long as I can but it isn't too realistic for me to never have sugar.
2 weeks ago
Ash, were are you? I can't live another day without a post from you. Wuv, Heather
Ash-EEEEE. . . .I've been checking back MULTI-DAILY for some updates and nothin' . . .I MISS YOU TOO. Hurry and share some news and pics.
Luv, Berta
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