I haven't had the internet at my house for the last couple of days and it is driving me CRAZY. I don't know how people exist without it. I can't. So it is good to hear that some of you missed me. The weird thing about blogging is that who knows who is reading. You type and type and never know who is reading or not. My mom was here this week also so I was pretty busy all week long. I've had a great week. I love when my mom comes to visit! I have been doing pretty good on phase two of South Beach. I have even lost another pound. Yeah. We went over to some people from our wards house last night for a little get to know you date. We ate dessert (yum...I ate a brownie and Ice cream) I wasn't going to be rude and not eat. It was worth every bite. We had a great time. I think they will be good friends. We have tons in common and they are looking for friends too. It was really fun, we were over there for 2 hours and the kids played great. They have two boys with another on the way. One of their kids has Juvinile Rhuematoid Arthritis so we have a lot to talk about. They also have a little Oliver. I gave both my kid hair cuts today so I will post some pictures as soon as I am at home. I am posting from my sisters house since I still have no internet. Since I am posting from here I put a couple of pictures on that I love, from the summer.
This is Rob and his cousin CAROLINA. The picture is blury but priceless I love that you can see her finger going in his eye. They are the best of friends but they sure know how to fight each other. She pulls his hair with both her hands. She won't be able to now with his new short hair cut.
Here are my boys in matching outfits at a car museum in Moses Lake. We went to visit and my dad slipped on a toy the kids left out and broke his leg. I love it when I can match my kids.
I will try to post more this week. I have just crashed. I was so sick and tired of not eating...walking around all over the place...and feeling guilty with every bite that I ate I just crashed I have been vegging and enjoying my mom all week.
4 days ago