It has been amazing to read everyone's comments. It is funny how good it makes you feel. Like you have people...and they have your back. Cortney and I both woke up today (after a night of little sleep and tossing and turning...and just holding on tight to each other) feeling better. I didn't feel like I needed to throw up, I felt calm and ready to get things rolling. It is funny when bad things don't know how to get back going in your regular life. Someone knocked on our door the other night and left the "neighborhood phantom"...and I didn't know if I could just go back to normal life and make cookies so we could take it to the next people. But I did, and I feel a lot more normal now.
Oliver woke up this morning and said he didn't have to go to school today because daddy wasn't at work...and when dad isn't at work then it isn't a school day. It was nice to have Cortney here in the morning. It isn't something I usually have.
I have also had a crazy "so you lost your job miracle"...Robbie today just started pooping and peeing on the potty with out my help. (and trust me yesterday he was NO WHERE near potty training).
Cortney and his boss Brian managed like 5 other employees. And they were not laid off. But this morning when the owner's son came to do Cortney's job...not one employee showed up. Every single one of them quit. So down at the links the greens weren't mowed today...because no one from the landscape company knew how to do it. So that helps with the sting a little. I know I shouldn't want revenge...but it was so amazing to see the support that their crew gave them. The whole maintenance crew hung out today...newly unemployed and went golfing in Spanish Fork. It helped Cortney to get his mind off of things.
Thanks to everyone...I feel your support.
I am so thankful for our plethora of friends and family. Wow.
2 weeks ago
Wow...the fact that the whole crew quit truly shows what a great guy Cortney is. I think it is neat that they were able to support him like that.
I just know he will find something soon. Hang in there and keep us posted. Our family is praying for you.
Any chance Cort and the crew can bond together to form a ready-to-go crew for hire? Doing snow removal and such during winter, and regular landscaping the rest of the year. Owning his own company would give him the freedom to take photography jobs on the side too. Just a thought.
I've been thinking about you guys a ton today and want you to know you have our love and support. Aaron was thinking he could check in with his buddy whose sister-in-law works at tri-city in AF. Never hurts to check, right?! We'll see if it leads to anything. Keep your heads up (like you already have) has a way of working itself out.
Hi this is Candice, Matt Bilson's sister. I just wanted to let you know you are in our prayers and Heavenly Father obviously has something better in store for you guys. It's too bad those guys won't be able to work together anymore... I have never seen my brother happier than when he worked with Cortney and the guys!
I really like that idea, maybe this is time for Cort and crew to branch out and do their own business... who knows... decisions, decisions, decisions, for now, enjoy having your hubby home, he'll be working soon enough and you'll be able to remember this as hard times but for the better... it all works out somehow, remember, the Lord works in very mysterious ways... nighty night!
This is an opportunity for greater things! We love you!
I wish I could say/do something helpful--hope prayer will do the trick. We're glad to know your awesome little family, and we'd be sad to see you move, but sometimes good things come in the most unusual ways. Let us know if we can do anything else to help, ok? And congrats about/to Robbie! That's awesome.
know i love you guys. i'm sending good energy through the universe for you. ;)
Good for Rob!!! BUt man I am sorry that is so lame, and I would be more than happy to go beat the owner up for you, like really it seems like he is a jerk and deserves it so I souldn't feel bad about it at all. Hey if you and cort need to get out I'll totally babysit for you and you don't need to worry about it moneywise at all, like seriously give me a call.
It sucks--no really sucks--for now... but something better will come around. All the guys down there didn't paid nearly enough for all the hard work they did. You guys are in our prayers!
Austin's wife--Tori
I didn't even check your blog before I contacted Cortney abt. pics. Wow. I am so sorry. I am glad that today was a better day. I was laid off once, right after 9-11. It is hard, shocks the system, but just a hurdle- I know you guys will get past it!
I'm so sorry to hear about this Cort! I can totally understand though because I too was laid off at the end of October 2007 after five years of dedicated service. Somehow it all works out in the end, and it's amazing what doors open when others close.
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