Now I usually cook dinner. Almost everynight. Tonight though Cortney is on a Man Date with some friends so I decided I would make the kids microwaved burritos. Oliver said "this isn't that bad." to himself as he ate it. I really need to give my kids more microwaved food. I am afraid they are becoming spoiled. What are they going to do in college??? I on the other had always loved that kind of thing when I was a kid. Tonight though I looked at it and thought to myself..."I won't eat that". I also refuse to eat hamburger helper. When did I become a convienience food snob??? I think if someone else made it for me I would like it. But I always feel like in the 20 minutes it took me to make hamburger helper I could have made a million other yummy things. Cortney on the other hand loves the stuff.
Also I decided I need some more snacks for my kids to eat during they day. ( I was out) So I bought the big bag of peanut butter filled pretzles. Sounded like a great idea. Rob though smooshes them and just eats the peanut butter out of the middle. Ahhhh two days I have had them and two days I have vacuumed. I also have a strict no eating out of the kitchen rule...but the little kid doesn't seem to care. I just put him down for the night is 6:16 p.m. He didn't take a nap today and was so happy to go to sleep. He was laughing as I covered him up.
Today Cali and I went to Costco to take the kids passport pictures. Six kids. We were thinking it was going to be stressful but it wasn't the kids did great. The pictures were adorable too. Then we went over to visit Justin for a while. The kids love going over to his house.
I always get so tired when I have to put the kids down alone. I don't know why I get so tired since my kids have no routine...the routine I give them is none. Well, we brush and pray. I like to keep it at a minimum so I am not held hostage with singing and bedtime stories before bed. Hahaa does that sound bad. I just know that if I have 6 kids...bed time routines like those are just TOOO much. (plus I am too lazy...hahaa). Oliver did accidently whip Rob in the face with a little cloth belt that was tiring. Anyways....I am 27 minutes from having Oli down too. Yeah...I love the weekend.
2 weeks ago
I, on the other hand, will eat anything that is quick and easy to prepare. I am not a cook! I'm jealous that you know how to cook things.
Don't feel bad about having no bed routine. We don't have one either, well of course except scriptures and brushing too. I would like to, but when it comes down to it, either I'm too tired or I've forgotten or something. I like you're philosophy about it taking forever and 6 kids down the road. . , so I think I'll adopt it. I probably missed this, but why passport photos? Oh yeah, and I'm adding you to my blog page. Hope you don't mind. I'm running for a popularity contest by trying to see how many I have. Just kidding. I'm losing big time. I just hate going through Sam's. I feel like I'm "spying" on you too.
So where do you get all your recipes cause my main problem is finding an idea of what to make.
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