We have been having a great time here in Moses Lake. I love this place. I had a great time growing up. It is funny being here and thinking off all of the things we used to do. Driving past certain roads...thinking remember when? Going to Safeway and thinking of Laura and I dancing on top of the Lemon Car with the stereo blasting. Or the time when Amber and Derek and I were joking around and I acted like I was going to leave them in the Safeway parking lot. They thought I was serious and I found them walking up the big hill. Hahaa. Even just driving home from places...I used to always drive the same way...past the highschool and seminary building to see who was there...then either through the church parking lot (depending on the night) or past Tolley's house to see if Daniel was home (that makes me sound like a stalker but I wasn't...well not to him hahaa). It was a great experience for me to grow up here. I know I keep saying that but. I really want my kids to be able to feel what I did. There is something about small town living.
One draw back of small town living is last night Cali and I went to go rent the Bourne Supremacey so we could watch it before the third one came out. We went to Heartland Video, Safeway Video and Blockbuster. All of them had both copies checked out. That would never happen where we live. If they were all checked out the store would at least have more than 2 copies.
Rob loves my dad. I had been trying to get a picture of Rob watching TV but my dad came in the door and sat down and instead Rob went running to him.
Jack got stung by a bee today. Poor kid has been stung more than any other kid I know. It was so sad. It is still so huge and he can't even talk.
The bee sting didn't hold him back from doing sweet tricks on the trampoline though. Our kids play outside all day here. I don't have to worry about them getting run over or kidnapped. There is another plus for small town living. I could never let my kids play outside at home by themselves.
My parents yard is so COZY. Cali and I lay outside and read all day long. The trees have grown so much since I lived at home. Okay I also wanted to talk about my devastating news of Nick being evicted out of the Big Brother house. I loved him. Cali and I feel like we don't even want to watch anymore. I have been thinking a lot about my Celebrity top 5 guys (weird thing to think about?? I know. My cousin angie put her top 5 on her blog and it made me think...who are my top 5? I am still narrowing it down...I will let you know when I am set in my 5) I think Nick would have to be on there. Although...since he is no longer on the show I guess he really isn't a celebrity anymore. But he is pretty hot. Nothing of course compared to Cortney (can't wait to see you on Saturday c.). With Nick being voted out...I feel so sad. I know it doesn't matter it is just a show. But it sure made watching the show easy on the eyes.
6 days ago
I didn't realize that you were in Moses Lake still--how fun! I agree--Moses Lake was a really great place to grow up. There is something so nice and comforting about growing up in a smaller place.
I dislike almost everyone in the house this season... although it hasn't prevented me from watching all 3 episodes each week.
My least favorite is the crybaby Amber. HATE her guts.
Shane I totally agree about crybaby Amber. She has got to go. The cast is so bad this year that Cali and I are liking JESSICA of all people. hahahha
So I stayed up the other night until 3 in the morning stamping and catching up on BB. (I'm a dork I know.) I have to agree Amber=biggest crybaby EVER! Jen=I want to punch her (I'm really not a violent person)but she drives me crazy! For some odd reason I am liking Evil Dick. Maybe it's just because he dumped a glass of tea on Jen's head tho....
Glad your having a blast with your family. My family will all be getting together in a week and I can't wait!
one of the things i love most about our home is our COZY yard. We must be sisters cause we always think the same things.
I love the yard at your parents house also poor jacks lip -nena
you don't know me, I am a friend of Ali's and I look at your blog from time to time- you are pretty funny, I too LOVE BB. I had to comment, because I really liked Nick too. I hate Amber and can't believe how she is flying under the radar with all her tears. Also, my fave is Dick - I love how he and Daniele are becoming closer.
I have watched BB every season and don't love this season cast, but so much drama keeps me watching.
Anyways, happy BB watching!!
i think they need to put a mirror in front of amber when she is crying...that will make her stop. she doesn't look pretty...
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