So we made it here safe. We left Utah at 4:30 a.m. (it always takes a little bit longer to get the 6 kids all buckled and ready than we think it will). It was a great day. The kids were so good. We stoped only three times the whole day (not including once for Jack to pee on the side of the road). The kids didn't sleep much but they didn't cry either. I was surprised. I always am. Cali and I are road warriors. It is hard to be raised by my parents and not be. I love an open road and gas station stops. It was a great day.
We pulled into Moses around 4:15. I always get a nervouse feeling when I drive in. I love this little town. We came over to my Grandparents house for swimming in the evening. (all of the uncles were over painting my grandma's fence...what did I say before...great family!) Right when we got there Tyson jumped off the diving board and started to drown. I was right there and I started screaming for my cousin Ryan. He dove in all baywatch style (I am not kidding it was one of the coolest, bravest things ever) and saved Tyson. I almost started crying. most know is a sensitive subject for me. Ryan was fully dressed. I love him. I really do. I have so many great memories of him and he still to this day is always so nice to me.
Needless to say...I am so tired. I am so happy to be here. My happy place. I will post more later.
2 weeks ago
I am leaving tomorrow for Moses! Hopefully we'll see you both there.
i am excited you guys are in town. i will call you guys soon or maybe just come over. hey i am now a blogger too.
Hey! I found you! I added you to my list now, so I will be able to keep up on your cute family. It was really nice to see you guys today. You come from such an AMAZING family I always look forward to seeing "the cousins". Your kids are darling. Again, it was great to see you all.
While you are in Moses, I want you to do two things.
1. Safeway Chinese
2. Thinks about Lamonts while you are at Gotscholks.
Laura...of course I have already been to Gotshocks...or I guess it is spelled Gotscholks. We went the first full day we were here. I also do safeway food every time I come here. I always get the bbq burrito and jalepeno poppers and a bagel. Throw in a mountain mist pop and it reminds me oh so much of highschool. It is weird here for me. I get so homesick for the good old days. I spend a lot of time thinking about all of the stuff we used to do. sigh...
It's like they say, it's not a party unless someone immediately dives in and starts drowning.
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