So...Oliver has always been someone who collects things. Pacifiers, golf clubs, he has had all sorts of collections. Now he has decided to collect money. Now I can get him to to ANYTHING for a dime. It is awesome. He cleaned almost the whole house today for a dime. I have never ever seen him hurry so fast. It was awesome. He also ate all of his dinner for me to find his "collection" (he keeps it in a ziplock bag and loses it once an hour). I tried to tell him that everyone collects money but he didn't get it. He also doesn't get that a dime doesn't really buy much.
ohhh also last night at 1:48 a.m. Robbie woke up. He sleeps downstairs but I can hear him plain as day over the monitor. Anyways. He didn't cry at all but he sang and sang so beautifully for about 10 minutes and then went back to sleep. Ohhh I love that. He loves to sing (he can't talk at all so his singing isn't anysong youv'e ever heard). He gets this real serious singing face on. He looks just like my dad singing a Beatles song on our Karaoke machine. I love it. I hope he will always sing even when he is big.
1 week ago
I have so many fond memories of singing Beattles songs on your karaoke! I love it! Tom said I was laughing in my sleep last night, but singing is so much better!
That is the cutest story EVA! My kids have all been singers. I figure it's all the music I'm constantly playing. I hope he still sings when he's big too!
So, so cute. I wish Rose would sing, instead of scream over the monitor. I love singing babies.
Oli, Grandma wants you to come to her house and stay for a long, long time. I HAVE LOTS OF MONEY YOU CAN COLLECT and a really dirty house . . . .and lots of chocolate chip cookies . . .homemade . . .help me, Grandma's on a diet and can't eat them . . .GRANDMA LOVES YOU, OLI-BOY!
I know exactly what face your talking about. That's totally funny!
how sweet
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