So yesterday R.O.B. hit a milestone...a sad milestone. He can now get out of his pack n' play...yes my baby sleeps in a porta crib. I have moved like 7 times since we've had kids though, and I can't imagine moving a real crib that many times. Plus I think pack n' plays are way cozier. My kids always wake up with mesh marks on their whole face. We also travel a lot so they are always in THEIR own bed no matter where we are. So anyways back to yesterday....He just came down from his nap so happy and proud. I was in shock. We were still staying at Cali's house, from the flood (I will write about that next). I went up to his bedroom and there was a stack of blankets next to his bed so I figured he was able to get out because he could just land on the blankets. When it was time for him to go to bed for night time...I moved all of the blankets so he wouldn't get out. 15 minutes later he was downstairs again running around. I put him in a couple more times and he just kept getting out. The last time I didn't hear him fall out (he just goes out head over the side and lands with a loud thud). But I heard him crying in there so loud. I felt like I should go in...and sure enough he was stuck up sidedown in between the wall and the side of the pack and play. That crazy kid. I don't know what to do now. I have never rocked him to bed since he was probably 3 months old. Because of that he won't let me. Infact I never see him asleep unless he falls asleep in the car which is a rare occasion. He hasn't even EVER slept in our bed or accidently fallen asleep somewhere. Cortney got the water working last night so we all came back over here and Rob stayed in his crib here. So maybe he will only try to get out at Cali's. He doesn't know how to open his door either (Cali has those lever door knobs where we just have the good old fashioned knobs). So wish me luck. I am not ready to have 2 boys in real beds. Ahhhh. It just makes me so scared because he isn't safe in there anymore. Before I could be like...."he can't get out...he is safe". Now he can just get out and do whatever he wants.
Now back to our house being flooded...We are back in our house which means I have tons of work to do. I hate having to organize things. Well actually I think I would like it if I didn't have kids around putting their tummies on my piles and trying to lay on them to knock them over (does that make sense). I have done so much laundry since I have been back. We will most likely be refinishing our basement (yeah me!). So that is exciting except it also means alot of work. I am glad to be back. It was fun to be at my sister's but our kids spent a week together at grandma's and 4 days with the flood...they were getting sick of eachother. Robbie bit his cousing Carolina 3 times in ten minutes yesterday morning. He bit her a total of 6 times we were there. Breaking the skin (through shirts) 3 times. Aye...I don't know what to do with him. He is also covered in scratches from her...don't get me wrong though she was definatley was defending her self. I'd do the same thing if someone were biting me. So it is fun for me to live there but it is too much for the kids...constant playing all the time. I finally had to see if Rob was okay this morning at 11:00 because he hadn't woken up yet. He was just so tired from so much playing. If anyone has any ideas about what to do with biters I am all ears. He goes to nursery in two weeks. could be a real nightmare.
My brother-in-law Tyler is doing much better. I am so sad this flood thing happened I feel like we should be focusing everything on him and visiting and such. He is out of the hospital and they are saying that it was most likely a stroke he suffered from. They only problem with that news is we don't know why a 26 year old would have a stroke. And they still don't know what the masses are in his brain. We get more test results in 2 weeks I think. It really shows you what can happen through the power of prayer. We have been so blessed.
2 weeks ago
Don't feel bad - Myleigh slept in her pack-n-play until she was at least 18 months old. We moved a lot as well. I STILL put her in there for naps if William is sleeping in the bedroom. I think it's great. When you travel they don't have to get used to a new bed!
Rose slept in a pack-n-play too. She kind of got too big for it, around 4 months. Okay, so I made the mistake of buying a smaller pack-n-play than normal...but still, she grew really fast. I am glad I don't have an escape artist on my would stress me out.
Hey ash....well I am glad that you guys are getting all your basement stuff figured out although that sucks that you are going to have to do so much work. That is really frustrating and probably really difficult with two boys running around. Anyway I have to tell you that I think rob getting out of his crib is halarious. Boston hasn't even figured out how to do that yet...thank heavens. Hang in there.
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