Wednesday, April 23, 2008

holy freakin smoke

Tonight I put Rob down to bed and then left to the store real quick. He was crying and freaking out so cortney went to go and get him. When he got him Rob was saying ouch ouch...and pointing to his toe. Cortney took him upstairs to put a band-aid on him and noticed that one of his nostrils was really stick out farther than the other one. Rob had stuffed a SCREW way up his nose. And Cortney was home all alone. He cleaned off his leatherman with alcohol and fished it out. He couldn't believe that he was able to get it. AHHHHH so scary I hate stuff like that and am glad I wasn't home (rude...I know). Poor baby Rob.


khepworth said...

Yikes!!! Thank goodness we haven't experienced anything up the nose at our house.......yet.

Angelique said...

Oh my! That is craaazy! Poor little guy.

sherry ward said...

LOL.... I know I should laugh, but it sounds funny!! My brother had a bumble bee fly up his nose when he was that age. They had to take him to the hospital, stick a hose up his nose and try and suck it out. So nasty and sad, but we laugh now!
Have a great day!

Berta said...

Holy-poor-baby-R.O.B. . . . That's so scary - you're lucky Dr. Cortney was on call and didn't have to head to ER! Kids! Speaking of 'kids' . . . I sure miss you guys! Talk to you soon.

Kacey Nielsen said...

So wait, why did he point to his toe? Glad you got the screw out! Why do kids think things belong up their nose?

Kim said...

OUCH! I would've freaked out!

mumovearls said...

OMGosh! what a screw? what in the world was he doing? did he say why he put it in his nose? what a good idea! using a letterman... I never would have thought of that one!
what are you guys doing next weekend? we might be in Utah-let me know we would love to see all of you!-n