The night before Rob's graduation he spent throwing up. Violently all night long. By morning he was on empty and really wanted to go to his graduation. The thought of him missing it broke my heart so we got dressed and headed over. I should mention...since I sicker than a dog during this Cortney took care of all kids that were throwing up. Thankfully.

When we got in it was very apparent that Rob still wasn't feeling good. The kids all performed Rockin' Robin for us and he came and sat down next to me. He did however do all the actions and sang all the songs right next to me.

In this picture he really looks sick...and look just how sick I look in all of these. Yikes.
It hurts just to think of how sick I was.

Him performing one of his songs.

Each of the kids were given an award. Rob got the award for being a "wonderful writer". Which makes us so proud.

Here he is with his teachers Ms. Sherry and Ms. Tammie. They were awesome and worked so well with Rob. We see them around sometimes and he is always so happy to see them.
I couldn't help but get teary eyed during the whole thing. Even with him just sitting right next to me. (I blame my pregnancy hormones) He has changed so much this year and is really growing up. He has learned so much and is starting to make better choices all the time. The end of the school year always makes me so sad and we both were really sad to say goodbye to his teachers. I can't believe he will be going into kindergarten in a month. Yikes. My little Divo is all grown up. I sure love the boy.
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