Monday, May 10, 2010

forgetful Jones

Today I forgot Oli twice. First I forgot that it was Monday which means he goes to school at 12:08 not he was a half hour big deal. But when 2:45 came around and I got a call from the school saying he was waiting to be picked up...I about died. I was 15 minutes late. For some reason I thought he got out at 3:00 today. The secretary told me it just wasn't my day today...yeah no kidding.

On another kids are playing at my neighbor Sarah's right now. I can see them climbing in the tree from my kitchen window. I am so grateful to have a neighbor I am friends with, and that I TOTALLY trust. What a difference it makes. Seriously.


amber said...

Why in the world does a school start at 12:08? Can't they just start at 12:00 or 12:05????

Heather said...

Yeah, I know the feeling. Trust me . . . it won't be the last.

PJ said...

Amber, the district is trying to stuff as many minutes in each 1/2 day as possible. When you take the "1/2 hour" lunch for the teacher out of the time of the school day, there are 15 minutes that don't cut evenly. I would have preferred to have that 15 minutes to set up for my afternoon class, but, alas, they wanted the children in class those 15 minutes.

lanita said...

Gotta love those days. We all have them. And I agree--a good friend makes ALL the difference in the world.