For a long time Rob has been telling me that he wants long hair like mommy's. Weird I know. I always tell him that boys have short hair and that he looks good with short hair. But he loves my long hair and anytime I wear it down he wants to run his fingers through it all day long. Today while we were having a "sick day" we all watched The Princess Bride together. When Fezzik (Andre the Giant) came onto the set Rob said excitedly...
"see mom boys do have long hair, I want hair like that"
MOM: "are you sure you want that hair that hair looks crazy?"
Oh he was sure alright. He liked all of the boys with long hair in this movie. Boy am I in trouble.
I don't know he looks pretty good...what do you think? Hahaaa
He is throwing a major tantrum right now. Is it bad that I am counting down the minutes until it is my boys bedtime??
I don't know that Rob could ever get his hair to puff out the way andre the giants did. It would look more like a slicked down mullet.
cort and rob should grow long hair.... cort can still do it!
your photo edit on this one is dope...not as dope as the half cyborg dude that you did awhile back but still dope...
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