So Friday Cali and I got up, got ready, and we both cleaned our houses from top to bottom. When we were done we both decided that we didn't want to be in our clean houses with our kids just messing them up. So we decided to take a trip to the American Fork Artic Circle so the kids could play in the play place. The playground there is perfect for little toddlers but there is enough to do that our older kids don't get bored. We were having a grand old time and we were probably there a couple of hours. We were really the only people there and our kids were playing StarWars on the jungle gym while Cali and I sat and talked. It was a great day. We were about to go...the hamburgers had been eaten and they were all getting pretty tired. All of the sudden we heard Carolina (Cali's 20 month old) crying. Cali ran over to help her up...she had fallen on some stairs. She screamed for me to come over and as I did all I saw was blood and teeth going everywhere. Carolina was trying to wipe her mouth off and as she did she handed Cali a tooth she had gotten out of her mouth. It was one of the worst things I have ever seen. One of her teeth was laying straight with the root coming straight out of her gums in the other direction. We frantically started trying to get all six kids shoes gathered and in the car. We left as fast as we could, I in the meanwhile called Cortney to come help, and Cali called her cousin the dentist to see if we should go to the emergency room or to his office. It turned out we needed to go to the dentist so we dropped the kids off at Cali's and Cortney came to watch them. There had been some sort of miscommunication between he and I when I told him to come. He thought it was Cali who had fallen, he was scared about that. When he came and saw it was Carolina he couldn't understand. He gave her a quick blessing which helped to calm all three of us down. Then we left to Alpine to meet with the dentist. In the end she lost three teeth. We had to hold her down while he pulled them out. It was so sad. Part of her jaw in the front is broken but it isn't the kind of break where they need to wire her jaw. It was so SCARY. It really makes you realize how fast your life can change. She won't have teeth down there until they grow in when she is in the 1st grade. SAD. Here are some pictures taken with my camera phone.
5 days ago
so scary... doesn't she look like Carter Boice? I mean I know there's no relation, but they do look alike.
yeah...her and Carter have the same eye shape.
Holy poop! That poor thing looks like she got ran over by a choo choo train. Kids are way tougher than adults.....that's for sure.
Way to go Dr. Ashee Boice!
this is 'beyond an oughie' . . .holy poop is right. what more can I say . . .sweet-thing, poor-little-thing . . .GrandmaBerta is 'soooo sorry', little one!
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