It turned out least considering I have NO experience with this kind of thing and absolutely no clue what I am doing. About 6 weeks ago someone from the bishopric said to me "you know the primary program is coming up next month, right?"..."um NO I DIDN'T, thanks for the heads up." hahah.
The kids were reverent. They all got up and did their parts. They sang the songs pretty loud. The teachers were all there and did exactly what they were supposed to do. Rob and Oli had their parts memorized...along with a lot of the other kids. We even had a bunch of kids show up that hadn't come during the practices. It was great. I was so proud of them.
There is something about having it all done and over with that makes me feel like a million bucks. Cortney said now that it is over I don't have anything to stress about until the baby comes (10 more weeks by the way). Which is totally true. Well I guess I am in charge of a nativity and a halloween party in between. I hate having things I am in charge of. I was really worrying about this program.
Being in the primary is totally out of my comfort zone. I am really starting to come around to it though. :)
Cali took Henry during church, so I wouldn't have to deal with him trying to go up and sit by Cortney the whole time. It was a life saver.
After church, Cameron and Leah came up for dinner. It was great to see them too.
Then one of my teachers brought this by tonight. A sketch she made of me today. Totally, exactly what my dress looked like...and what I look like in it. I thought it was the sweetest thing. She is one of my good friends (although 8 years younger then me and single) and moving soon...we are going to miss her so much. She has been Rob's primary teacher for 2 years. That alone makes her an angel. She also taught Oliver when he was 4. She is amazing. The scan doesn't do it justice. I wish you could see how awesome it really looks. I did notice I look kinda stressed. Hahaa. She is good.

Now for some random pictures I have taken lately (and since I took them most are out of focus....oh well)

The other morning I woke up and walked into the kitchen to this sight. My three boys sitting on a blanket eating pumpkin scones. So cute.

These pumpkin scones are seriously the bomb. Do people say that anymore, I really don't think so...but they are. Truly. I got the recipe a couple of years ago from a cooking blog and Cali and I are OBSESSED. Even Cortney who doesn't like pumpkin all that much thinks they are one of the best things ever. And so good for breakfast.

My new oven that makes all the scones possible. (they smell so good cooking)
I sat the babies up in a chair the other day to take their picture. I would have never guessed that they would both be blond, and fair. But they really look like they could be twins. More than Kate and Owen ever did.

They love each other and only fight occasionally (right now they are fighting over this ugly ratty naked barbie whose legs light up...they both love her). He always says "hey Noni" and she says "Hey Henry" right back. They kiss and hug all the time.
Noni (short for Fiona) always has her hair in her eyes. It doesn't matter how many times a day Cali puts it in a pony tail it just falls right out. The girl has slickery hair just like me.

2 little trouble makers. I can't believe they are going to be 2 soon.

I pushed her hair out of her eyes for her. What a sweet pair. (she is a little taller then him)
Here is the scone recipe. You can find it all over the internet and is supposed to be a copy cat recipe of Starbuck's scone. Everyone does a double glaze but I found that it only needs the spiced one. It really cuts down the time it takes to make it and you can't tell the difference at all.
Amazing to die for Pumpkin Scones from My Baking Addiction:
Pumpkin Cinnamon Chip Scones adapted from: recipezaar Ingredients Scones 2 cups all-purpose flour 7 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 6 tablespoons cold butter 1/2 cup canned pumpkin 3 tablespoons half-and-half 1 tsp vanilla paste 1 large egg 1/2 cup mini cinnamon chips (Made by Hersey's I found them here in Utah at Ridley's on orem center street...they don't say mini on the bag I don't believe, they are such a delicious addition.) |
Spiced Glaze 1 cup powdered sugar 3 tablespoons powdered sugar 2 tablespoons whole milk 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 pinch ginger 1 pinch ground cloves Directions to make the scones 1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Lightly oil a baking sheet or line with parchment paper. 2. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and spices in a large bowl. Using a pastry knife, fork, or food processor, cut butter into the dry ingredients until mixture is crumbly and no chunks of butter are obvious. Set aside. 3. In a separate bowl, whisk together pumpkin, half and half, vanilla paste and egg. Fold wet ingredients into dry ingredients and mix in mini cinnamon chips. Form the dough into a ball. 4. Pat out dough onto a lightly floured surface and form it into an 8-inch circle and about 1 inch thick. Use a large knife or a pizza cutter to slice the dough into 8 equal triangular portions. Place on prepared baking sheet. (I just make it into a rectangle and then with a pizza cutter cut 16 smaller squares...i find it cooks more evenly when it is cut smaller) 5. Bake for 14–16 minutes. Scones should begin to turn light brown. Place on wire rack to cool. ( I always cook for 12 minutes so watch just want them light brown) to make the plain glaze (I TOTALLY SKIP THIS STEP) -Mix the powdered sugar and 2 tbsp milk together until smooth. -When scones are cool, use a brush to paint plain glaze over the top of each scone. as the plain glaze firms up, make the spiced glaze -Combine the ingredient for the spiced icing together. Drizzle this thicker icing over each scone and allow the icing to dry before serving (at least 1 hour). A squirt bottle works great for this, or you can drizzle with a whisk. (INSTEAD OF DRIZZLING THIS GLAZE I PAINT IT ON WITH A PASTRY BRUSH LIKE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO THE PLAIN GLAZE...IT MAY NEED A LITTLE MORE MILK ADDED...YOU WANT IT TO PAINT ON PRETTY EASY...oh AND YOU WANT TO MAKE SURE YOU GET ALL SIDES BUT THE BOTTOM WITH THE FROSTING. YUM) Honestly you might die when you taste how good these are. You are welcome. I linked to the Original recipes if you want to see what they had to say about them. |
Yay (!) for the Primary Program! The best Sunday in the world but always such a relief when it is DONE. We start making our Stake visits to all the programs on the 16th and 23rd. Excited to see them all.
I'll be making the scones asap. Thanks for the recipe, and your new oven looks awesome!
It was always such a crowning moment as Primary President to have the program done with. And always such a spiritually gratifying experience as you watch those beautiful children deliver, what you may have questioned them learning or not! I love it. Good job.
And I'm so glad that you posted that recipe because when you mentioned them earlier, I thought yum-- I need that recipe! I made raspberry ones yesterday. They were pretty dang good.
And your boys are so handsome.
See you soon. daishan
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