I can't believe I made it to where I am not sick anymore. I thought I never would. Honestly. I am feeling pretty great. I can totally feel the baby moving around like crazy. It makes me excited for the little guy to get here. I have never ever taken pictures of myself while I am pregnant. There is a chance this is my last one baby (still trying to decide)...and I thought I would like to chronicle my belly. I wish I would have done it last time because I was so skinny last time. Hahahaa. I have a feeling that isn't going to be the case this time because I am eating constantly. I am still not up to my pre-pregnancy weight (the ONLY benefit of laying sick in bed for the first 4 months of my pregnancies.)...but I really have been so hungry. :)

Here it is close up. 21 weeks.

And from far away with my trashy looking baby in the background. That is real life right there. My sick, pant-less (bad bad diaper problems...the antibiotic just goes right through him) baby eating a BAKU...which is what he calls popcicles. I love this guy...but he is trouble. Today he flooded Cali's kitchen. Don't tell Joey. Hahaa.
I don't think it is very likely that I will photograph myself very often but here we go at least I got it done once.
Yeah... you look SUPER SKINNY!!
Ash. You look amazing. I wish I were that skinny *not* pregnant - let a lone 21 weeks along.
I never took any pictures of pregnancy. But if I was as skinny as you , I just may have.
I think you are sticking it out. jk You look great!
You are so tiny! I know I will never look that small pregnant...just one of the many advantages of being tall. Glad you are feeling so much better now!
Okay...Seriously, you still don't look pregnant!
H.O.T. Mamma!!!
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