Tuesday, August 04, 2009

you all must be crazy

Yesterday we went to the park. It was horribly hot. I just kept thinking...I don't know how other mom's do this...how they do "stuff" all the time. I would way rather lie in my bed snoozing. It sure looks fun though.

I think all of the grandkids except Dougie were there.

I was dying in the heat...I really was. Then out of no where an ANGEL appeared. Okay it was just my dad but he had a HUGE box of creamie popsicles from costco and it was a lifesaver.

Gg sure thought so.

Not only did we have popsicles but all of the kids went and sat under the shade of a different tree so the adults got a little quiet ice cream time.

Our sad attempt at a group shot. Mom and dad haven't mastered the art of "just look your best at the camera and don't worry what the kids are doing". Amateurs. I took this picture and by the time my camera was ready to take another shot they were all gone.

Oh...and you can see the shorts I made Oliver wear that started his breakdown yesterday. This picture was mid tantrum for him...but you can't even tell. That is how deceiving pictures can be.

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