Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I have tons and tons of lemon cucumbers in my garden. More then anyone could ever eat. SO if you live around here come by and pick some...please.


Adri said...

Wow - I've never even heard of lemon cucumber. I wish I lived near you!

Angelique said...

I'm with Adri..never heard of em'. Maybe I will come by to get some, they look delicious.

Great car pictures. Brave to travel with six small children for 12 hours.

Supercords said...

What do they taste like? I want some.

ashleyboice said...

Shane here is the definition from the Cook's Thesaurus:

lemon cucumber This versatile cucumber is sweet and flavorful, and doesn't have much of the chemical that makes other cucumbers bitter and hard to digest. Though it's often served raw, it's also a good pickling cucumber. Substitutes: green cucumber (not as delicately flavored)

I agree...they are way less bitter then regular cucumbers...but they do have a lot of seeds so I try to eat them young. Rob ate 2 for lunch today and I have been having them everyday with vinegar tomatoes and parmesan cheese. But even then I have them coming out of my ears.

Supercords said...

Sounds like you need to host a game night, with lemon cucumbers as prizes.

Stanger Family said...

HEY Ashley, I can't believe i came across your blog. It's great when you blog jump a little you find people you haven't seen in years! You look so good. I can't beileve how big your boys are I still remember when you told me you were pregnant the first time. Now here you are again, wow that was a long time ago i wasn't even married. I am excited to see your blog and hope all is going well for you. All the sudden I see lots of old Quick Ship friends, Tates in my ward now. Do you remember Tate? Hey email me sometime. stanger_k@msndotcom or check out my blog spencerstanger.blogspotdotcom

Stanger Family said...

Perhaps you have forgotten who I am since I didn't even leave my name. It's Kara you ever so best co worker at Quick Ship n' Copy, get me in trouble for going to get way too many treats, we had too much fun for a job

Christensen's said...

I need to come get some more! They are delicious!