We are back from our Christmas break. We had a great time. Tyler and Nicole hosted us. We always have a blast when we stay with them and they always take really good care of us. We arrived Dec 23rd in the evening. Along with the holidays came the worst winter weather I have seen in a long time. It was a stressful drive up but we made it up safely. The boys were so excited to play in the snow.
On Christmas eve we woke up and headed over to Grandma's house (as in Grandma Berta not Grandma Great). The kids spent the WHOLE day outside with their cousins and Cortney. I made homemade hot chocolate and bonded INSIDE with the babies Bodin and Cooper. I couldn't believe how long the kids lasted outside. Cortney made a huge snow fort for them to play in. And of course I don't have a picture of it but I do however have many sledding pictures...enjoy....

Kelton getting some air.

I love it when Cortney is all dressed up in his outdoors clothes. He is just so cute to me.

Rob zoned out

I think I lasted a whole 2 minutes before I went inside...and that is even with a poof coat on. It is COLD in Rexburg.

Leah and Rob.

Rob kept eating the icicles off of Griffin's bus. Yuck.



Rob and Cooper.
So there you have day one of our vacation. I will post the rest of the trip but my hands can't take anymore typing tonight.