Thursday, June 23, 2011


If I had a dollar for every ant Henry ate today...I'd probably have ten dollars.

This morning I wasn't feeling well and I was trying to sleep a little on the couch. Henry was gone with the boys in the backyard for a split second and then came to lay down by me. Through my sleepy eyes I could tell he found a bag of ginger snaps. Then I came to my senses and remembered the boys left that outside last night. I looked and the bag was filled with 100's of ants. There he was eating the cookies, with ants crawling all over his fat little hands and arms. I screamed at the top of my lungs and tried to grab the cookies out of his hands. He cried (hard) and I ran the bag outside...and then washed the ants off his body. What a way to wake up for the day. Yuck.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Naughty Babies

I tell you what...20 month old babies can be really naughty. You have to keep an eye on them every second. Today Sam called and Cali and I weren't watching the babies for 5 minutes. I saw the bathroom door closed and heard water running. This is what I found when I opened the door....

Naughty babies from ashley boice on Vimeo.

Amazingly Henry had run the perfect temperature water and luckily we found them before they got into too much trouble.

Henry is crazy. Fiona is crazy. Together they are TROUBLE.

p.s. Don't mind our annoying voices in the background. Also notice henry saying "cheese" a million times.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I can see the light. 14 weeks

I am starting to feel better. Not all the way...and by the end of the day I am wasted...but a little better. I did dishes for the first time yesterday. Which tells you, you should feel sorry for Cort, and that there were a lot of times when the dishes weren't done for a while. I am so happy because I can see that things will be better some day soon. (I have probably 20 loads of laundry to put away...My bedroom looks like a hoarders) gives me nightmares. I can't wait to be able to clean clean clean my house.

I feel like I am huge.

Today was my first appointment. I am officially 14 weeks today. I love my doctor. It is nice to have 4 children with the same guy (by that I mean same Dr. also nice to have all my children with Cortney though). Makes you feel really comfortable with him. I spilled my urine sample. Yeah. That was a first for me. I was SOOO embarrassed. I also had my ultrasound. I was hoping that they would tell me I was pregnant with twin girls (I would be SO getting my tubes tied if that was the case). But baby (I could have sworn my stomach was big enough for it to be twins). It was awesome having the ultrasound at 14 weeks instead of 8 because it totally looked like a baby. He was crossing his legs and moving his arms. As for the gender...the technician said she didn't "see anything down there" meaning really that she didn't know either way what it was. But it gave me a little hope that could possibly be a girl. I doubt it though. It was great to see the baby. I have really healthy pregnancies...I am so grateful for that. My due date is Dec 13th. Which means I will probably have it around the 6th which gives me a little time to get ready for Christmas after the baby comes. Yikes. (worst month ever to have a baby...who wants to help someone at Christmas time...I am sure all sorts of people have time to watch my kids for a couple of days...hahaha)

Last Wednesday I was at the school with the kids eating lunch (our school has free lunch and breakfast everyday in June for is awesome) and the lunch was a hoagie sandwich. I looked at it and it looked good. My friend Sarah lent me some money so I could buy myself one and I ate the whole thing. I couldn't believe it. It was the most I have eaten in forever. Then I went to the store and bought myself stuff to make sandwiches and I have been eating them ever since. Lunch and dinner. I am telling you I am getting better.

Oh...and I have been shopping (just looking really) for something to wear to Ali and Michaels wedding....I am sorry ladies....but pregnant women, you should NOT be wearing mini skirts. It is VERY disturbing to me. I can't believe how short these things are.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

PICTURE OVERLOAD...and yes they are still of Mexico,

After we got back from the aquarium and town we spent the rest of the day in the Ocean.

Rob in the tide pools. The Tide was WAY out right then.

Jack and Oli

Looking for shells and crabs. There were 100's

Me reading on my kindle (love) and Henry watching Melmo (elmo). This is our had a futon for the boys to sleep in. Our arrangements were awesome.
I wanted to show how far out the tide would go. The ocean would sometimes come all the way in so you couldn't see any sand.

This is across from the house. It is just pure desert there. Like there is nothing until you get to the states.

This night Aaron (the host) made and amazing shirmp/clam boil. It was delicious. I couldn't even think about it without dry heaving once I was sick though. But trust me it was good.

The loft (this is where the kids hung out when they were in the house) we had a wii set up.

The adults would play games here all day and night.

Cali and Joey's room.

pouring out the food. YUM.

Aaron had rules for eating this (which I love because I totally believe that things should be eaten the way they are supposed to be eaten). No forks, no napkins, Just squeeze butter and cocktail sauce, salt and pepper. We ate like wild animals and finished this off in no time. It had potatoes, corn , hot links, clams, onions, garlic and SHRIMP. Cali went inside for 5 minutes to find something and when she came was all gone.

Cali and I walking out

I love this picture of Cali and I (and Henry)

The boys played lots and lots of bocce ball. The changing tides made it so the bocce course was always changing which I think made it more fun.

I hate this picture of me but love the picture. Hahaa.
The kids would dig up these creatures that looked like yellow slime. They called them llama boogers I have no idea what they really were. When the tide was high they would look kinda like jelly fish floating around.

Pretty CC.
That night we built a bonfire and sat around and talked. It was so fun.

Thursday, June 02, 2011


On Monday we went over to our friend's Jeff and Jen's for a BBQ. We had a great time until Henry walked into the kitchen and puked like 5 times. He was green. Then he went back and forth between barfing and pooping (sorry) for the rest of the time we were there. By the time we left he was nearly naked. This is the first time he has been sick like this and he hasn't liked it very much. Poor baby. Luckily he didn't throw up on the carpet, mostly he got the kitchen floor and Cortney. We should have left the second he threw up but everyone was telling us to stay...haha. It was crazy.

A horrible blurry picture of henry on the way home. He looked spent.

Since then he has just had horrible diarrhea I don't even know what to do. Poor thing.

Last night Oliver and J ack had a game. I left early with Rob and the girls because Henry had had it...I snapped this adorable picture of all three holding hands with my phone while carrying a SOBBING, leaking diaper, 28 lb baby.


Then last night Rob started saying his stomach hurt. He was sick all night doing the pretty much the same that Henry had all week.

The only thing worse then being sick pregnant, is being sick pregnant with 2 sick children. Luckily, Cortney helped me almost all night (and man he is paying for it today, he isn't used to being up so much in the night).

We had the dance festival (which I didn't get any pictures yesterday. Both my boys did so awesome and made me so happy. Robbie's teachers told me when they asked him why he was doing so good he said "my mom said if I didn't do good I would be grounded for 3 weeks". Haha. I did tell him he would be grounded if he didn't do it. Because he can be like that.

Today was Rob's preschool graduation. I had him go but had him sit by me instead of going up to perform. He was so sad to be sick. He sang me all the songs from the audience. It has been such a good year and he has such amazing teachers I was almost crying the whole time. So proud of him. He got the Wonderful Writer award for working so hard on writing in his journal. I love that boy. Hope he gets better soon.