To this...

Needless to say I am pretty bummed about it. My second phone is a 20 dollar pay as you go phone. It seriously is like the same phone I got 8 years ago. I haven't checked but I bet it has memory and snake as the games on it. I heard Cortney saying "I thought if she had a nice phone she would take care of it" hahaha...I really tried, I really did.
For the record my last phone was free because of an insurance claim or something. just sayin'...
Nothing drives me crazier than knowing my old phone is somewhere sitting in my house. Tucked away in a shoe somewhere...or hiding in a cracker box...who knows where it is. I checked everywhere. I went through every closet, cabinet, lifted and moved every piece of furniture more then once...I even cleaned out the whole freezer and fridge, because who knows, it could be in there. I moved the oven even.
I have tried to make peace with it and let it go...but it still makes me sad.
I had my first Sunday as Primary President last week. Cortney was out of town. I started the morning off with ward council. (my neighbor watched the kids) Then I was conducting and doing both sharing times. I had no idea what I was doing. People were like...I think we have to say a prayer now. I was totally out of my comfort zone. HOWEVER...I put Henry in nursery, because I can...and because I couldn't do what I needed to do with him trying to play the piano. It was the best thing on the planet. Even with all the stuff that I had to do, it was my easiest Sunday in a LONG time. Way easier than having to chase and lug Henry around the whole time. I was so happy. It is only a month early but man it felt so good. When I went in there was my baby sitting at the table in his own little chair eating snacks...I couldn't believe he it, he isn't a baby anymore. He even colored a picture. Yikes.
So if you need to you can call me now (who am I kidding...my phone could be lost for a whole weekend and I wouldn't have one missed call...haha).
i am laughing thinking of you in primary forgetting to say prayers. haha. you'll be so awesome. i can't believe henry is that old. it makes my heart ache to think about him cause i miss him. is that weird?? haha. he's just so gushy and i want to squeeze him. and it also helps that he's like the cutest thing ever in the whole world. but then, all your kids are.
I was Primary President for 3 1/2 years a couple of years ago. LOVED it! Now I'm back as ADays Coordinator and leader for the 8-9 year old girls. LOVE it all over again. How many kids in your primary? You will be awesome.
I think you are a brave girl, Ash. Losing your phone had to be a challenge. So sorry. And Primary Pres. Wow. You are a girl who knows how to "roll with it" and will be so great. I think of you trying to corral all 29 Emigs for pictures at Christmas. You did SUCH a great job. Cute Hens in the nursery---coloring!! He and Fi are growing up WAY too fast for my liking. Take care of yourself, sweetie....
I wish you could find your phone...now my kids won't have anything to entertain them :)
For the last few days, I keep thinking of places your phone might be. It's really bothering me...I can't imagine how you feel. I hate that kind of stuff!!!
Can't wait to hear Primary stories! I love to "hear" your voice through your blog.
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