On Thursdays and Fridays when we don't have to drive his friend home from school I try to take him to lunch in the cafeteria. He loves it. He always begs me to go and is so happy when we can.

Here he is today at lunch. He always eats almost every bite of his food he loves it so much. It makes me so proud. Today he had an orange, peaches, a pear, a salad, graham crackers and a turkey sandwhich...oh and a chocolate milk. He ate almost everything too. Such a good deal when your kids eat all the food. Oh Oliver always comes and sits by us too. It is fun for the 4 (sometimes 3 because a lot of the time Cali takes Henry for me) of us to eat lunch together.
A couple of weeks ago Oliver was awarded with the Geneva Giant of the week award (for the second time this year)...although when I saw what the award was for I was a little worried....

I don't know if "highly entertaining" is exactly what I am going for here...hahaha. Although I know I would have been thrilled to get this award when I was a kid...heck I would love to get this award now. Oliver said it is because he is like the funniest kid in his class. :) I told him I wanted him to be smart and funny...and he said that he is smart too...
I loved everyone's recommendations for Utah vacation spots. I can't wait to go all those places. That is something Cortney and I are going to work on more...visiting the places that make living in Utah great. (My kids haven't ever been to temple square....I am embarrassed to even type that.) Yikes...we really need to do more as a family. (we are together every second but just hanging out relaxing...walking around the neighborhood...things like that)
We really were torn on where we should go...but then a friend of a friend (Cali and Joey's friends to be exact) had a free place we could go in ROCKY POINT, MEXICO...they are going with their 2 kids, and Cali and Joey with their kids, and also a couple of our other friends...but the house is 5000 square feet and they said there would be plenty of room for us to come too. All we would need to do is drive the 14 hours to get there (yeah thats pretty far). I was having some anxiety about making the trip (can we even afford the gas to get there???)...but we are in...we are leaving Sunday after church. I can't wait. The kids are so excited. It is going to be so fun. Rocky point is only something like 40 miles into mexico...and out in the boondocks so it is supposed to be safe. Samantha however said she hopes we aren't beheaded or dipped in acid by some drug lords on our way down. I think we will be okay. Fingers crossed.

Here is a map of where it is...see there at the top left corner...Puerto Penasco also known as Rocky point.
Here is a picture of the house from the ocean. Pretty awesome right??? Totally worth a 14 hour drive and the threat of being dipped in acid.
We can't wait.
Looks so fun! Wish I was going there! Congrats Oliver!
Way to go Oliver!! And Ashley....I'm so JEALOUS!! Hope you have a great time and not beheadings or acid dippings ;-)
Ethan's aunt lives in rocky point. His parents and sister are there now. Its a fun place especially if they have four wheelers and stuff to play on. I hope its a blast.
Quite green with envy from both of us. Have fun and be safe!
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