Saturday, February 22, 2014

family pictures

Soooooo I haven't blogged in forever.  I am going going to recommit to this old thing but in the meantime I thought i would post some pictures from our family photo shoot.  Cortney was on DEATH'S DOOR the day we took these.  So we literally took like 8 shots.  Better than nothing.  

 Dexter, Angelique, Miracle Marion, Justin, and Dougie

 Mike, Allie, and Nora

 Owen, Kyle, Lucy, Sam, Josie, Kate

 Fiona, Joey, Carolina, Jack, Grace, Cali, Willie Mays, Tyson

Theo, Cort, Oliver, ME, Robert, Henry 

Back row, Brooklyn and Zachary
Front Abigail, Stella, KaeLynn, Jason, and Eliza

I love my family so much.